Kristoffer is a writer

I write like this because I am not happy being the noble savage in someone else’s story. I write like this because I feel like there is too much that remains unsaid. I write like this because it is difficult not to. I write like this because I feel a need to be heard and acknowledged. I write like this because the complexity of our world is increasingly reduced to formulaic and unimaginative text and the world is so much more beautiful and plentiful than these let on. I write like this because there are so many other kinds of narratives and syntaxes that have not yet been discovered. I write like this because it is a cheap and efficient way of getting one’s ideas out there. I write like this because I cannot believe nobody wrote this text already. I write like this because text is such a big part of why things are the way that they are, and I would like to change the way things are. I write like this because it is a way of thinking about my place in the world, and what I could do better. I write like this because every art show must apparently have a generic text attached, and I think we must find ways of making these text more diverse, weirder, and less boring. I write like this because it is a way of becoming less sure of myself and examining things from more angles. I write like this because I am a collaborator at heart (at least In principle) and I often miss someone who is willing to have the discussions in my head with. I write like this because text is material that colours the thoughts that pass through it and not a neutral container for information. I write like this because I struggle with language, and it often irritates and escapes me. I write like this because I suck at spelling at gramma, so I must taste and hear the words to understand them. I write like this because language is so close to thinking, and I am trying to think. I write like this because it makes me feel as if I am “a part of the conversation”, not because I feel all that original or smart. I write like this because in writing my mistakes and biases are much clearer to me than otherwise. I write like this because I can do it on my smart phone, in between doing the dishes and mopping the floor. I write like this because it somehow, abstractly, feels important, but I could not do it without having the material engagement with the world that is my artistic practice. I write like this because I know too few others who write from the implicated material point of view that I feel working as an artist has given me. I write like this because I feel like there is much that remains to be said of the potential of the imperfect, unheroic and impure and I don’t know who else if interested at the moment. I write like this because it is hard to find time for it, and I really should be writing grant applications, press releases or something, anything, more profitable, but this feels more important.


A collection of unrully short texts that have not yet found another home


A Plea for Scrappy Local Alternatives
a/nordi/c, 2023
Retroavantgarde #3
Udstillerne på udstillingen Retroavantgrade, 2023
Anordic, 2022
Retroavantgarde #2
Udstillerne på udstillingen Retroavantgrade, 2022
Retroavantgarde #1
Udstillerne på udstillingen Retroavantgrade, 2022
OEI # 94–95: geografier
OEI, 2022
Kolindsund – fremtidsturist guide
Forlaget Mejlund, 2022
Uncertain Archives: Critical Keywords for Big Data
MIT press, 2021
Studio Kristoffer Oerum, 2021
Extensions vol I II II
Radar Contemporary, 2021
5 Spørgsmål
forlaget dada invest, 2021
Navigeringer: på kanten af en verden i forandring
Aarhus universitetsfolag, 2020
Pist Protta 88
Space Poetry, 2020
Digital Dynamics in Nordic Contemporary Art
Intellec, 2019
Terræn : veje ind i samtidskunsten
Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2019
Kirsten Justesen – Sokkel Stykker / Base & Body
Faaborg Museum, 2019
New tactics – moving in a soft field
Galleri Image, 2018
Kunstnernes Efterårsudstilling Katalog
Kunstnernes Efterårsudstilling, 2018
Reanimating Regions : Culture, Politics and Performance
Routledge, 2017
Pist Protta 79
Space Poetry, 2017
Bricks and Mortar
Tranen, 2016
Årg. 5 Nr. 1
Nordisk Tidsskrift for Informationsvidenskab og Kulturformidling, 2016
Pist Protta 78: Vanitas Danmark
Space Poetry, 2016
Tania Tender Thyme
Forlaget Arena, 2015
Cybermuseologi: Kunst, museer og formidling i et digitalt perspektiv
Aarhus universitets forlag, 2015
Pist Protta 73
Space Poetry, 2013
Pist Protta 116
Space Poetry, 2011
Meta Collection Center catalogue
Space Poetry, 2011
Mutations III catalogue
European Month of Photography, 2010
Game Continent catalogue
Aarhus Kunsthal, 2010
Et Atlas over det (u)mulige København
GET LOST, 2010
Lili W. Hur: I multiverset er demokratiet enevælde
Space Poetry and Arenadottir, 2006
Ssamzie Space, 2008
Pixel Daydream (DVD)
Loop Pool, 2007
SUM Magazine
SUM Magazine, 2007
Once We All Walk through Solid Objects, book
Self published, 2007
Add N to X
Angel Row Gallery. 2006
Day-to-Day Data Book
Angel Row Gallery. 2005
Loop Pool, DVD
Loop Pool, 2005
Apparatur 12
Apparatur, 2005
“In a Dark Room…”
Self published, 2004
Generative Physchogeography
Muter #3, 2003
Everyday life
publication with no name, 2002
publication with no name #2
publication with no name, 2002
publication with no name #1
publication with no name, 2001