- Artist in Residence at Randers Kunstmuseum
- 1 day of teaching at Aarhus Kunstakademi
- 3 days of teaching at VERA
- 3 days of teaching at Aarhus University
- Workshop at Nationalmuseet
- 1 day teaching at Rytmisk Musikkonservatorium
- 14 days of teaching at Aarhus Kunstakademi
- Artist in Residence at Ebeltoft Skole
- External Sensor at The Royal Danish Academy of Art Degree Show (MA)
- Workshop at CATCH
- Workshop at Fabrikken for Kunst og Design
- External Sensor at The Royal Danish Academy of Art (BA)
- Artist in Residence at Christianshavns Gymnasium
- Workshop at ARKEN Museum
- Workshop at Travers DOKK1
- 5 day workshop at Københavns Kunstskole
- Mentorship via BKF
- Mentorship via BKF
- 3 day workshop at The Department of Electronic & Time-Based Media, Carnegie Mellon University
- 3 day workshop at the Department of Basic Studies of the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts
- Professor of Fine Art at the Funen Academy of Fine Art
- 1 day at the Basic School of the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts
- Professor of Fine Art at the Funen Academy of Fine Art
- 5 day workshop at The Centre for Participatory IT, Aarhus University
- Professor of Fine Art at the Funen Academy of Fine Art
- 5 day workshop at VERA, Preparatory School of Art
- Professorship at the Funen Academy of Fine Art
- Four weeks at Ærø Højskole, Preparatory School of Art
- 1 day at the Basic School of the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts
- 3 days at 2 Painting School of the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts
- 5 day workshop at The European Master of Fine Art in Photography, Madrid, Spain
- 2 week Digital Arts workshop at Faaborg Secondary School
- 1/3 full-time position at VERA, Preparatory School of Art
- 2 weeks workshop at Ærø Højskole
- 3 days at Sculpture School Charlottenborg at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts
- 3 days at Frederiksholms Kanal at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts
- 24 months half-time position at Ærø Højskole, Preparatory School of Art
- 3 days at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts
- 3 days City Planning Workshop: 2010, Strelka Institute, Moscow, Russia
- 4 weeks workshop annually at Ærø Højskole, Preparatory School of Art
- After Effects instruction every Friday at the Copenhagen Technical School
- 1-week course in Flash at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts
- After Effects instruction every Friday at the Copenhagen Technical School
Talks and Other Activities
- Talk at VIA University College (two occasions)
- Talk at STORM
- Talk at KPA at Storm
- Talk at Holbæk Kunsthøjskole
- Talk at BKF Yearly Congress
- Talk at Artbeat Prisen, Bremen Teater
- Talk at Enhedslisten Kulturfestival
- Talk at ArtHub
- Talk at Bonamatic
- Talk at Container Akademiet
- Talk at Kulturmødet
- Talk at Grasph Festival Roskilde
- Talk at Copenhagen University
- Online talk at BKF Conference
- Talk at Vega
- Talk at Aarhus University
- Talk at Spinderiet Vejle
- Nordic Workshop at The Nordic House (Faroe Islands)
- Nordic Workshop at The Nordic House (Iceland)
- Nordic Workshop at Nordens Hus (Finland)
- Talk at Hochschule Trier
- Talk at Skjold Artspace
- Online Talk at Kulturnetværksmøde (Det Obelske Familiefond)
- Online Talk at Center for Book Art (USA)
- Talk at Klimatoriet, Lemvig
- Online Talk at Uncertain Archives Book Launch
- Real-time School at Aarhus School of Architecture
- Talk at Charlottenborg
- Online Talk at Extensions
- Online Talk at AA (UK)
- Talk at Malmfabrikken
- Residency at Cité des Arts Paris (France)
- Talk at Aarhus University
- Talk at Holbæk Kunsthøjskole
- Talk at Vejle Museum
- Talk with Lise Skov at Astrid Noacks Atelier
- Talk at BKF Netværksarrangement
- Talk at Bonamatic
- Talk at Spire Festival
- Juror at Kunstnernes Efterårsudstilling
- Talk at Gammelgaard
- Talk at POST Design Festival
- Talk at Aarhus University
- Talk at Meter Exhibition Space
- Talk at Den Frie Udstillingsbygning
- Talk at Copenhagen University
- Talk at New York University
- Guided bike tour for Copenhagen Art Week
- Talks at Copenhagen University
- Talk at Terræn Conference
- Talk at Roskilde University
- Talk at PIT Aarhus University
- Talks at Copenhagen University
- Talk at Copenhagen University
- Talk at Ørestad Gymnasium
- Talk at The Royal Danish Academy, Copenhagen
- Talk at Workshop BY|PÅ|NY, Copenhagen
- Tutoring and workshop, European Master of Fine Art Photography, IED, Madrid, Spain
- Talk: "De lyver for dig... løgnen som medie og løgnen i medierne", PatePate, Copenhagen
- Talk at Launch of Teori & Praksis, Kopenhagen, Copenhagen
- Talk at IKK, Copenhagen University
- External examiner at admission to the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Art
- Talk at CeC 2009, Sattal Estate, Uttarakhand, India
- Talk at Danish Arts Council
- Talk at Kyungwon University, Seoul, South Korea
- Talk at Kookmin University, Seoul, South Korea
- 3 month artist residency at Ssamzie Space, Seoul
- Talk at Funen Art Academy
- Talk at Aarhus University, History of Art Department
- Talk at The Danish School of Design